In “Why School Choice Fails”, Natalie Hopkinson describes the personal impact the school choice movement has had...
***As this information continues to change and develop, this post will be updated. There has been a...
These are notes from the final House debate on the IEA bill (sometimes called IEP vouchers), on...
A supporter contacted me to ask that I make some of the dates in this article more...
Where are the educators in this discussion??? “U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) will appear with former Florida...
by Mark Naison “I wonder what future historians will say about the nation’s top colleges- especially the Ivies,-...
Reforming Michelle Rhee: Running the show in D.C. didn’t work out. Now in Tennessee, she’s hoping cash...
“Arizona adopted the Common Core standards in 2010 without opposition, but some Republicans have recently denounced the...
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators wishlists that benefit their bottom line....
If you still think “Common Core” standards were developed by anyone in the education field, or that...